Saturday, February 7, 2009

Chinese New Year

Well, Chinese New Year is just wrapping up and it has been good...and loud!! Fireworks are pretty much legal in China so there is an incredible amount of high octane explosives that go off next to and over our house on a regular basis. The official reason given is that the fireworks ward off the evil spirits.

But I have another theory...

When I see all the young guys setting them off, I figure they are no different than any other guys on the planet...they like to light things on fire and watch them explode:) And like the 4th of July in the States, Chinese New Year is a great excuse to do it!

At the school here we had a Chinese New Year celebration at a local banquet hall. The various classes did different Chinese performances including a dragon dance, songs, and Tai Chi.

Gabriel has a Chinese name now and we are calling him by that name more frequently these days. He is Ao Fei which literally means Flying Proud.

Tammy and I were very proud of our little Ao Fei as he performed Tai Chi with his class. As I watched all of the kids performances I was reminded how blessed we are to be in China at this time and how faithful God has been to us.

So from the Hackmans in Qingdao...Happy New Year!!

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