Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Thanks for your prayers!!

Back in October I was running along the beach when I realized I was experiencing some pain in my chest. The more I ran, the worst the pain got and when I stopped, the pain eased. I convinced myself it was gas or indegestion.

Problem was everytime I ran, it occured. Finally last week I went across the bay to the International Clinic in Qingdao. They ran an EKG and x-ray. Everything was OK. They sent me to the cardiologist that afternoon who ordered a stress test. There was the pain and the doctor confirmed it was a blockage. Said I needed angioplast and that they could admit me into the hospital right then. Ouch!

I called Tammy, then I called our insurance company who said that the top hospital in Beijing was covered and that I should consider going there for the procedure. The English GP at the clinic suggested it would be a good idea. So I said to him, "So I should do this before Chinese New Year". He answered, "Mr. Hackman, you misunderstand, you need to be on a flight to Beijing tonight or tomorrow morning"

I never made it home. From the clinic I met Tammy and Gabriel at the airport and we caught a 8:00 PM flight to Beijing. The Beijing United Family Hospital is a top hospital in Beijing offering high quality United States level of care (at United States prices...in fact I wouldn't even put on the pajamas until I knew for certain our insurance was covering it)

The tests showed I had a single blockage and for this procedure I would be sent to a local hospital that specialized in angioplasty. They bundled me up and sent me by ambulance. The local hospital lacked some of the frills that we in the West are used to. Chipped paint and plaster dotted the halls and ceiling, dim lights lit all but the operating room, waiting family members sat on rickety chairs outside the surgery area in a cold narrow hall. I sat and waited for the guy's procedure in front of me to be finished.

I had been told that I would not "be out" but that would be given sedatives and something for the pain...NOT! They probably gave me something going into my artery (which they do through the inner thigh) but it wore off because about 45 minutes later when it was over the doctor said, "Now you will feel some pain but DON'T move your leg."

My leg exploded!!!

Or seemed to. As they stapled my artery shut a wave of heat rushed through me and I broke out in a sweat. I looked around at all the nurses and staff and told myself I was not going to cry out. 5 seconds...10 seconds...

I screamed out!

15 seconds...20 seconds

While I was on the table in that moment I realized the notion of long term resistance to torture was useless. Looking around the room for a split second I felt like I was in the Hanoi Hilton and I would tell them anything they wanted to know...if they would just stop the pain.

40 seconds...45 seconds...

And then it was over. The pain started to subside and the next thing I knew I was being transported back to Beijing United with the state of the art room and first class nursing care.

Anyhow, I'm back in Qingdao and all subsequent tests seem to say they heart is good and I'll be back to 100% in no time. God has been faithful yet again and I do appreciate all your prayers.

Now if you excuse me...Tammy is bringing me some carrot sticks :)


Brook said...

your story about made me puke.
Glad you're ok.
now I'm going to go take some pain medicine...a lot of it...and maybe smoke a joint...just because I feel the need to...

Beatrix said...

wow....a scary story, but thanks God you are ok, take care ya....

Unknown said...

Hey Steve, glad to see you're back up on your blogging feet. Stay well. I hope you like carrot sticks!